We offer a wide variety of world class consumables to meet customers ever changing packaging requirements
Strapping Tools
We offer a Comprehensive range of Strapping Tools for Plastic & Steel Strapping Tools
We have everything you need to ensure that your product packaging is as hassle free as possible
About Us,
let’s get started
Today, we stand out as a leading Manufacturer & Service Provider Of Industrial Packaging Consumables. We are also the leading importer of all types of Strapping Tools.

for your Industry

At FURUS PACKAGING, our business is making sure that yours runs smoothly, with packaging that can help move your product through your supply chain safely and securely. We develop industrial packaging solutions optimized to reduce total costs and environmental impact in your supply chain.
It is not only our top rated products that set us apart, but also our service offerings. We have an extensive service organization which provides installation, training, technical support and field service on all the tools we sell in order to ensure smooth operation in an efficient and cost effective
We are committed to protecting our natural resources while helping your business grow
Our PARSTRAP TM polyester strapping is manufactured with recyclable materials and is fully
Safety is one of the highest priorities within Furus Packaging. It is imperative that everyone follows the policies and guidelines to ensure their own safety and the safety of others around them.